Teaching, Assessment and Design
This is a selection of useful resources for working with podcasting in higher education.
Teaching with Podcasts
2023 Humanities Podcast Network teaching manual is a useful and practical guide with exercises, techniques and examples, online and as downloadable pdf. You can find out more at: https://humanitiespodnetwork.org/teaching-manual.
The following is a chapter from the manual.

Teaching students to podcast
An overview of general techniques, skills and methods necessary for integrating podcasts into the classroom. These range from pre-production decisions, and recording and editing techniques, to assessment and related teaching projects.

What is a podcast and are they good for learning? | The CPD Certification Service
What is a podcast and are they good for learning, video podcasting as a way to stand out and reach an even bigger audience, incorporating podcasting into learning, forms of audio learning, benefits, tips, media hosts are services that store your audio, CPD, Continuing Professional Development

Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits?
Learn how podcasting in education can increase accessibility and encourage engagement. We’ll also help you get your own show up and running. Extra text to bulk it out
Assessment, design advice and guidance
Some great resources for…
Hear This! Podcasts as an assessment tool in higher education
McGill University: at McGill back in 2013 they were talking about Podcasts as an assessment tool in higher education blog site includes sample rubric and examples

Benefits of keeping an audience in mind – authentic assessment
Assessors and students discussed digital assessment in different forms, such as videos, websites, podcasts and blogs. Here they discuss the benefits of keeping an audience in mind.
Additional resources
Kings College London: FAQ’s on assessment design (06/10/2021)
University of Wisconsin: Detailed rubric for podcast assessment