Podcasting toolkit
This set of resources is the result of a collaborative project on learning and reflecting on how podcasting can play a role in teaching and learning in higher education. It has been created through a series of workshops, which took place over 12 months between colleagues at Bath Spa University from different disciplines, all members of the Multimedia Methods Research Group. We hope you find them useful.
A little about us

This website emerges from a staff working party at Bath Spa University established in 2021. In the context of the desire for alternatives to the essay format and a discovery of the ease of podcast production the group set out to explore the use and application of podcasting as a form of assessment and reflective practice. Members of the group teach across different subject areas including, Film, Media and English and have all been working collaboratively to understand both the technical and potential application of the two podcasting kits at Bath Spa University. This is a sampling of podcast work at Bath Spa University shared in a spirit of collaboration hoping to inspire others and share good practice.
The group has collated feedback and reflections on using the podcasting suites with students and this website is an emerging podcasting toolkit for staff and students.
The site offers sample assignments and sample student work produced. Some students were inspired to take up podcasting in their own time and in addition to work produced during the project period by staff the site showcases this addition published work by student created in their own time. Three students share their views in short audio clips through the site.
We continue a process of knowledge exchange between staff, students, freelancers, external experts and audio post production house We Are Audio, based in Bristol.
Take a further look
The student response
Students were asked which method of assessment they preferred. Here are their responses.
I love podcasts… When it came to our own podcast we drew ideas from how others had done theirs.
This was such a good experience, and I know it can help me in the long run but it’s so fun to do it now.
We learnt a lot from doing the podcast, even though we weren’t getting loads of views, it didn’t make us less motivated.
Recent projects

Featured Podcast #1
A staff team talking about a research project
Featured Podcast #2
A calling card piece from a Creative Media student
Featured Podcast #3
Sample show from a regular podcast series produced by two students